"Building Resilience Together"

UC Disaster Resilience Network Presents


|| OCT 12, 2023 ||

(See The Event Panel Replays Below!)

UC Sacramento, 1115 11th St, Sacramento, CA 95814

Event FAQs


12 OCTOBER 2023

Agenda And Post-Event Replays

With Special Thanks to Our Event Co-Sponsors: Platinum Sponsor Ernst & Young, Americares, and Miyamoto

Check-In & Opening Hours

08:30 – 09:00: Sign-in and walk-in registration located in the lobby

Parking Information

Welcome, Introductions, and Keynote Speakers

9:00 - 10:15: Framework and Keynote Speakers

Moderated by Geoff Green - CEO, Santa Barbara Community College Foundation

  1. Setting the Stage: Dr. Sujit Mohanty, UNDRR
  2. Keynote: Prof. Janet Napolitano, UC Berkeley
  3. Keynote: Prof. LeRoy Westerling, UC Merced
  4. Keynote: Dr. Saharnaz Mirzazad, Cal OPR
  5. Keynote: Dr. Rodrigo Madanes, Ernst & Young
  6. Moderated panel discussion
Watch replay here

UC and Statewide Resilience Panels

10:30 – 11:30: Showcasing UC resilience initiatives

- Prof. & Director Michael Beck (UC Santa Cruz) Coastal
- Dr. Robert T. Schooley (UC San Diego), Pandemics
- Dr. Sapna Thottathil (UC San Francisco), Climate, Health and Equity.
- Prof. Khalid Mosalam (UC Berkeley), Seismic
- Prof. LeRoy Westerling (UC Merced), Wildfires

11:30 – 12:30: Highlighting State research needs and initiatives
(Led by Abby Browning)

- Undersecretary Fanelli, CDPH
- Undersecretary Birdsong, CDFA
- Chief Abby Browning, Cal OES
- Assistant Deputy Director Frank Bigelow, CAL FIRE
- Dr. Kit Miyamoto, CA Seismic Comm.
Watch replay here

12:30 - 1:30: Interactive Networking LUNCH

Dr. Ed Blakely's overview of the rest of the afternoon ​UC DRN Curriculum Development
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 810 5617 5098Passcode: 713126

PARALLEL BREAKOUTS: Climate Resilience and UC DRN Partnerships

13:30 – 14:30:
Climate Resilience With Moderator Prof. Michele Barbato

Prof. Bruce Riordan (Climate)
Prof. ​LeRoy Westerling (Wildfires)
​Dr. Rohini Haar (Health/Equity)
​Dr. Anna Serra-Llobet (water resources)

Private & Civil Society Partnerships With Moderator Dr. Joe Leitmann

Dr. Joe Leitmann (moderator)​Director Sabine Kast (CDRI)
Ms. ​Rita Ewing (The American Red Cross)
​Ms. Sarah Cook (Ernst & Young)
​Mr. Patrick Hardy (ARISE-US)
​Dr. Mila Rosenthal (ISR)
Prof. ​Rich Appelbaum (UC DRN Council-member and Chair; UC DRN Campus-based Committee)
Watch replay here

PARALLEL BREAKOUTS: Climate Resilience and UC DRN Partnerships CONTD.

University Partnerships With Moderators Dr. Robert T. Schooley & Mr. Nico Pascal

Dr. Robert T. Schooley / Mr. Nico Pascal (moderators)
​Prof. Ricardo Herrera Mardones (Universidad de Chile, CITRID)
​Prof. Gilles Duserre (IMT Mines Ales)
​Ms. Julia Gouveia (UFSC)
Prof. ​Pere-Andreu Ubach (CINME; U of Barcelona/Catalunya)
​Res.Eng. PhD Student Xavier Sánchez-Artús (REST-COAST Project, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Watch Replay

PARALLEL BREAKOUTS: Data Science, Seismic, & Coastal Resilience

14:30 – 15:30:
Data Science With Moderator Andrew Reddie

Prof. Robin Murphy (Texas A&M)​Prof. Meredith Lee (UC Berkeley)
​Prof. Nick Merrill (UC Berkeley)
​Dr. Simone Fobi (Microsoft)
​Dr. Rodrigo Madanes (Ernst & Young)

Seismic Resilience With Moderator Prof. John Rundle, Source to Society

Prof. John Rundle, UC Davis​Prof. Khalid Mosalam, UC Berkeley
​Prof. Farzin Zareian, UC Irvine
​Dr. Laurie Johnson, Laurie Johnson Consulting
​Prof. David Oglesby, UC Riverside
Watch replay here

PARALLEL BREAKOUTS: Data Science, Seismic, & Coastal Resilience CONTD.

Coastal Resilience With Moderator Prof. Michael Beck

Prof. Borja  G. Reguero (on behalf of Multicampus Initiative on Coastal Adaptation, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz) - Coastal Adaptation Science roadmap)
​Prof. Michael W. Beck. (on behalf of UC Santa Cruz Coastal Climate Resilience Center - UC climate Action Initiative)
​Mr. Erik Funfar (Ernst & Young)​Dr. ​Boris Van Zanten (World Bank)
​Prof. Pere-Andreu Ubach (CINME, Catalan Govt.)

Watch Replay

UC DRN's Community-Based Approach to Building Resilience

15:30 – 16:15:
Past, Present & Future of UC Systemwide Approaches

UCOP VP Research & Innovation Theresa Maldonado

Building with the community - Upwards and Outwards

​Prof. Rich Appelbaum (UC Santa Barbara)
Dean Katya Armistead (UC Santa Barbara)​
John Abraham Powell (Co-Founder/CEO
Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade; Director, Montecito Fire Protection District)​
Watch replay here


16:15 – 16:30: Summary of day and next steps

Dr. Ed Blakely provides a summary of the event and actions we can take for the future.

17:00 – 18:30: HAPPY HOUR